Alright, alright James. Enough excuses! What did you achieve then?
You see that table of contents right above this text? Yeh! That one!
Fun fact, up until this sprint, I had to do that completely manually every single post which as you can imagine is a time sink in itself!
Well! That’s all folks! I hope you enjoyed this update ❤️
Alright fine! There’s more!
Issues are down from 1800… Just because I caused them doesn’t make them my fault!
Last post, you might remember those 1,800 issues I created last time by migrating old content to the new domain.
Well! I fixed 1,400 of them!
The issues that are left over, like the URLs are going to be a little harder to fix.
Most of issues left over are a little more difficult to resolve
If I change them, they won’t be ranked any more. If I redirect them to a cleaner, smaller URL… then the old one still exists and I still have the issue.
I’m going to play with a few, make some small test changes and see if it has a positive impact without having a negative impact elsewhere.
Description lengths have been sorted now too and that should reflect in the next sprint.
Does anyone actually know what these mean?
Total Links grew from 79,405 to 87,448, % total links, external + follow shrunk from 89% to 78% External, followed links shrunk from 70,291 to 67,880 Internal, followed links grew from 9096 to 19,550
I’m sure these numbers mean something and I should spend time understanding them but right now I have zero clue as to their relevance. I hope you like them though! 👏👏
More impressions than you can shake a mucky stick at!
Search Impressions is up by like 600! However CTR and Average position have dropped. That makes sense because over double the amount of content is showing up in searches but aren’t always relevant to the keywords people are searching for.
Equally… people are searching for some weird things…
My Barbarian name would be Bragg Ironballs
Corona Night!
With everyone suddenly being isolated I’m trying to find a way to keep the community entertained.
Thankfully, the community is helping with that too!
Last week, Ricosantigao, did a movie night and watched Twelve Monkeys and then on Wednesday night Omikone ran a drunken Harry potter studios tour.
Taxidermy Patronus
Where we watched some guy with a Go-pro on his head walk around Harry potter studios with his kids and laughed at how silly everything was.
Then Saturday mid-day, a bunch of us watched Time Team together???
Time Team is a British show following a group of perky British archaeologists who have only 3 days to desecrate ancient British ruins.
I donno… Life is weird right now ok? Bear with us!
This week
Buckle up kids, this Wednesday at 7pm UK time we’re boarding the magic Sosa bus to visit the aquarium!
Pack your lunches, return your consent forms and get ready to experience the wonderful world beneath the waves!
We’ll be looking at a range of exhibits and live cams and there will be a competition for the best shark drawing!*
*winner gets bragging rights and a name colour change to blue if they so desire.
Teeworlds is a game that gives you a lot of freedom and plenty of gameplay mechanics to use or abuse. With a full focus on multiplayer games you will never be bored.
The game is completely free and runs on most machines, so just grab a ticket to join in! 🙂
My main focus this week has been building out our registration, login, social login and forgot password system.
Hopefully I don’t need to tell you why these are important to SoSa, but just in case… these are what allow you to register, login and when you’ve forgotten your password, reset it!
This is what a login screen looks like
Most of the work I’ve done up until now has been in NodeJS, React Native and using Javascript, but for the authentication framework I wanted to use PHP.
PHP performs better (consistently),
It’s easier to deploy,
The ecosystem is more mature,
Provides a lot of the functionality I need out of the box or as a core module secure hashing, session management, memory cache integration, database integration
By using a lightweight framework (Ubiquity) I can avoid security issues like the ones the Node ecosystem has fallen victim to in previous years where developers will often include modules for mundane tasks that then become compromised.
It’s not perfect, but considering the above and having worked with PHP for almost 20 years, I’m confident that I can make a secure, scalable and performant authentication service using it.
This sprint, I’ve built a backend API that supports registration, forgotten password, username + password login and imgur login!
I don’t have anything sarcastic to say about this screen. It’s a database, a base for your data.
Some nerd facts
We hash your password using Blowfish and every password has a completely unique and random salt to mitigate certain types of attacks.
E-mails in this database are also hashed, the only time we’ll store your e-mail is if you say we can for marketing / notifications and that’ll be in a seperate system.
By hashing them, it protects your privacy but means you can still use the password reset functionality like a normal human / robot.
I am hoping we will never actually have to transmit or store your password either, i’m just trying to find a low collision, fast, client side hashing algorithm to achieve this.
Password reset generates a 254 character token, which expires in 15 minutes.
If you then provide the token you get given a “transient” token which when used in conjunction with your new password and the reset token will allow you to reset your password.
This is designed to help mitigate replay attacks. From a user perspective this will all happen seamlessly.