So this person responded to two emails, one from 2015 and one from 2014…
I don’t know why…
Over the last year i’ve made a few attempts to contact the owner of, even going through GoDaddy broker and Nominet to get contact details! but despite a number of attempts we couldn’t get a response, so I left it.
Unusually, this sprint the owner of this domain reached out to me and offered to sell the domain and i’m pleased to announce I am the proud new owner!
Our average search position has gotten a bit worse from 19.9 last sprint to 22.7 this sprint, our impressions are up from 1.53k to 1.71k and our click through rate has gone down from 3.3% to 2.3%!
Also oddly, this sprint our domain authority went down. Why? no idea…
Permissions are remarkably boring but also incredibly useful, they’re the only defence between a mod banning you from your favourite social network (SoSa obviously) and you’re local corn fed troll!
Last sprint, I alluded to the fact I was working on these but as simple as it sounds “mod1 can do xyz action” a social network is a bit more complicated.
For a start, we have two different permission contexts
– Global level (on the authentication / overlord platform)
– Community level permissions
Obviously I want myself and certain mods to have complete control over the platform but at a community level, community owners should be able to control their own privileges and decide who they want to be in charge of their communities.
Not only that, I needed a way to link permissions to a user and whilst we will have per user permissions, I decided to start with a role system and link users to roles.
So this sprint I completed the “Global level” permissions! Next sprint I’ll work on community level permissions and look to integrate the two!
Preferences update when they happen!
Having come from a native android and iOS development background, I’m used to working a little bit differently than we’re expected to in React Native.
Until this sprint, when you changed your personal preferences it wouldn’t update the app immediately, it was a little janky. But now! you change a preference, leave the settings screen and BAM it’s there!
Welcome Screen
This one’s been a long time coming, when you sign up to SoSa, it’s important you get a username you want and so that we can confirm your e-mail address.
This sprint I built the welcome screen that allows you to confirm your username and e-mail address before being allowed into the community!