December 16th, 2017 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Rocket League Part 1
Hello dear SoSa friends and welcome to another gaming meetup video where we zoom around arenas in rocket cars! You guessed it, this week we are featuring the first half of our Rocket League meetup video. And if you did not guess it, Rocket League is a fun game that combines some bad ass rocket

December 7th, 2017 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Golf With Your Friends Highlights
Hello SoSa friends and welcome to another gaming video! This week we are showing you the highlight footage from our Golf with Your Friends meetup. You may have seen some other short clips of this video around our Facebook site and even the full video on our blog, but we can not resist giving you

November 30th, 2017 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Tabletop Simulator Cyanide & Happiness
Hi again SoSa friends and welcome to another gaming blog post! This week we shower you with our longplay Tabletop Simulator footage that was hosted by our dear friend Orangebolt222 who does an excellent job teaching our innocent members how to play these dirty dirty games. (Hint hint: Lets do a D&D style game, please!)

November 26th, 2017 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Prop Hunt
Hi SoSa friends, and welcome to another new gaming video for your viewing pleasure. This week we are blessing you with the highlight footage from our Prop Hunt highlights video. This game is played through Team Fortress 2 and is basically a next level game of hide and go seek. Half the team is assigned

November 16th, 2017 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Trouble in Terrorist Town
Hello again dear SoSarians, SoSaers, SoSapeoples? This week we are featuring the long play video of our Trouble in Terrorist Town video. This footage is from the first time we played this game mode on Garry’s Mod. Click here to watch the video! For those of you who have never played before, everyone is ...

November 9th, 2017 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Golf With Your Friends Longplay
Hi again friends! This week we are showing you longplay footage from our Golf With Your Friends meetup video. We always have a great time trying to win against fellow SoSa members, while making totally inappropriate golfing jokes. Click here to see the footage from the meetup. There are many great golf games out ...

November 2nd, 2017 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Insurgency (Highlights)
Hi again SoSa friends, Welcome to a new blog post where we show off highlights from our gaming meetup. If you don’t already know, our weekly meetups take place on Sundays and we try to include a variety of games as we understand that different people like different games. That being said, this week we

October 24th, 2017 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Death Run (Long play video)
Hello boys and girls! Welcome back to the new and improved SoSa blog. We will be posting weekly blurbs about our gaming videos, along with the gaming videos themselves for your enjoyment. The videos will be selected by @umbrena who can be persuaded with cookies in order to post the videos you’ve just been ...

September 5th, 2017 by James
SoSa Plays – Golf With Your Friends!
Footage from our Golf with Your Friends meetup where we all try to not come in last place as the worst shape possible – acorns. Our frustrations are at an all time high as acorns seem to not be very aerodynamic. Not only are they difficult to maneuver across the entire map, they are worst