December 1st, 2017 by Umbrena
kaminaljuyu – November Member of the Month
Alright, alright, we know that we have not done a member of the month spotlight in a fair few months, but that does not mean we don’t notice how lovely our members are anyways. This month is no different, and we’d like to showcase kaminaljuyu, one of the most complicated names on SoSa! Many ...

November 26th, 2017 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Prop Hunt
Hi SoSa friends, and welcome to another new gaming video for your viewing pleasure. This week we are blessing you with the highlight footage from our Prop Hunt highlights video. This game is played through Team Fortress 2 and is basically a next level game of hide and go seek. Half the team is assigned

November 23rd, 2017 by TheBritishAreComing
Happy Thanks Giving
Hello everyone, Being Thanks Giving and us being British we were going to post something silly today and as funny as that would have been I wanted to write something a bit more heart felt. It’s almost 4 years since SoSa was launched and with the support of our community we’re getting better every ...

November 16th, 2017 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Trouble in Terrorist Town
Hello again dear SoSarians, SoSaers, SoSapeoples? This week we are featuring the long play video of our Trouble in Terrorist Town video. This footage is from the first time we played this game mode on Garry’s Mod. Click here to watch the video! For those of you who have never played before, everyone is ...

November 9th, 2017 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Golf With Your Friends Longplay
Hi again friends! This week we are showing you longplay footage from our Golf With Your Friends meetup video. We always have a great time trying to win against fellow SoSa members, while making totally inappropriate golfing jokes. Click here to see the footage from the meetup. There are many great golf games out ...

November 2nd, 2017 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Insurgency (Highlights)
Hi again SoSa friends, Welcome to a new blog post where we show off highlights from our gaming meetup. If you don’t already know, our weekly meetups take place on Sundays and we try to include a variety of games as we understand that different people like different games. That being said, this week we

October 24th, 2017 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Death Run (Long play video)
Hello boys and girls! Welcome back to the new and improved SoSa blog. We will be posting weekly blurbs about our gaming videos, along with the gaming videos themselves for your enjoyment. The videos will be selected by @umbrena who can be persuaded with cookies in order to post the videos you’ve just been ...

October 21st, 2017 by TheBritishAreComing
Development Blog: Week 6 – 29
Evening everyone 🙂 This post is well over due, I got a little overwhelmed. I have a day job and that coupled with closing my business, picking up left over projects and a string of server emergencies meant working on SoSa has been very difficult. Things are back on track now and I thought it

October 20th, 2017 by TheSire
TheSire is sort of leaving SoSa
Hi all, I have some news. Some terribly sad news. News that I am confident will bring tears to the masses… As of January 2018 I will no longer be working at SoSa. It’s been a wicked 2 years and I have enjoyed getting to know the community, meeting/playing with you lot, and the amount

September 5th, 2017 by James
SoSa Plays – Golf With Your Friends!
Footage from our Golf with Your Friends meetup where we all try to not come in last place as the worst shape possible – acorns. Our frustrations are at an all time high as acorns seem to not be very aerodynamic. Not only are they difficult to maneuver across the entire map, they are worst

August 27th, 2017 by James
SoSa Plays – Minecraft Hunger Games 3 (Part 1)
Footage from our third Minecraft Hunger Games event. As always, the community takes Minecraft as an opportunity to murder their favourite members with exploding arrows (or just destroy spawn with them – but who’s counting?), good old fashioned sword play and one epic Ender Pearl kill. Did you spot the skill? You came for the

April 27th, 2017 by James
Gaming With SoSa
Hi! We’ve had another week of quality gaming on Social Savanna, let me show you a few tidbits! Gaming on Social Savanna happens every day in some form, whether it’s gaming talk in chat, members playing with each other independently or an official SoSa Game Night. This week, the official SoSa game night were playing