March 8th, 2022 by James
Hello! I wanted to give some sort of update because life and depression mostly took over towards the end of last year and I’ve not made SoSa a priority. A bunch of stuff has still happened on SoSa, new designs, been working on architecture and code but because I’m still in a weird headspace i’ve

December 23rd, 2020 by James
A SoSa Retrospective
Hello, is it me you’re looking for? I thought it’d be nice to take a step back this sprint and do a bit of a retrospective of the last year, see how far we’ve come help give me perspective for the new year! Before we start looking into how far SoSa has come this ...

January 4th, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Hi! If you’re reading this, you probably already know – I’m James AKA TheBritishAreComing. There’s a few things you need to know about me: I’m a tech agnostic developer, with about 15 years commercially.Although British, I’m awful at English! (poor grammar get out of free card)I love food and caffeine.I talk a lot of shit. I

September 3rd, 2018 by TheBritishAreComing
Good Night SoSa
Hi, I know this would have come to you as a shock, i’m sorry for that this isn’t how I wanted SoSa to end. Let me explain When I started SoSa, I wanted to help the imgur community connect, it was a bit of fun and I thought after it launched it would only last

April 5th, 2018 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays | Golf With Your Friends Long Play Again!
Hey guys, After a pretty wild and hilarious Easter prank, we have decided to release another long play video from our Golf With Your Friends meetup. I repeat this is not a prank. Yet another Golf With Your Friends post you say? Well yes, after all we are all friends here are we not? Click

March 29th, 2018 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – OpenRA Red Alert Long Play Part 2
Hi friends and welcome to another SoSa gaming blog post. This week we are gracing you with the second long play part from our OpenRA Red Alert meetup. Over two hours of barely edited footage for you to enjoy. Click here to watch the video. The group seems to have really improved their building ...

March 8th, 2018 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Murder Long play
Ohh yeah, you have been waiting for this video. That is right, just before Christmas we played Murder, and it was one of our most fun meetups. Murder is one of the many mods that Garry’s Mod has to offer, and one of our favourites to play together. (Trouble in Terrorist Town being a very

March 1st, 2018 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Golf With Your Friends Part 3
Hey SoSarians, welcome to yet another Golf With Your Friends meetup video. There can never be enough golf videos. Just putting it out there. Click here to watch the video. As a community, everyone always asks us about the next time we will be playing Golf with your Friends and the videos are always ...

February 15th, 2018 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – OpenRA Red Alert Longplay
Hi SoSa friends and welcome to another gaming video! This week we are showing you the footage of our OpenRA video and specifically we are playing Red Alert. This is the first part of the video, stay tuned for the second part coming in the following weeks. Click here to watch the video. OpenRA ...

February 9th, 2018 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Jackbox Party Pack
Hi SoSa members and welcome to our Jackbox Party Pack meetup blog/video, Check out the video on YouTube by clicking here. This was the first time we played Jackbox Party Pack and it was actually a really cool, engaging and fun game. Jackbox Party Packs have multiple games that our whole site can enjoy ...

February 2nd, 2018 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Golf With Your Friends Longplay Part 2
Hi guys and welcome back to the second part of our “Golf With Your Friends” meetup. Click here to check out the video. You know you want to. Ohhh, yeah. And if you have not already, please subscribe to our YouTube channel as we post weekly game meetup videos now. So to begin the ...

January 25th, 2018 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Tabletop Simulator Long Play
Hello SoSa friends and welcome to another gaming meetup video! Today we will be showing you the long play video of our Tabletop Simulator meetup. We played Tabletop Simulator as well last Sunday, so it would only be fitting to show you the video you have been waiting for (only since this summer! Hehe) Click