January 31st, 2021 by James
Sprint 25 – I am SoSa and don’t call me Shirley
Oh hai! wow it’s been forever hasn’t it? But guess what! it’s update time again so i hope you’re ready to read me talk utter nonsense for 5 minutes. Firstly, thank you for IamSprots for becoming our latest Patreon! If you would like to support what I’m building and get some an inside look ...

June 21st, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Sprint 12 – No Rest For The Wicked
Another awesome sprint! so much has changed, it’s hard to keep up! Before we get started, a reminder that this Sunday (28th June) we’re playing Among Us for game night You can get a ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sosa-plays-among-us-tickets-108609297332?ref=estw Game Night Video A short one this time, it’s the second part of our jackbox game night ...

May 25th, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Sprint 10 – Refinement
I have literally no idea where the last two weeks have gone. If it weren’t for Jira, I honestly wouldn’t know I’d achieved so much this sprint! Everything is blending into a single, really long, coffee fueled day and it’s weird. Stop it.

May 11th, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Sprint 9 – Now In Technicolor
Hello girls and boys! It’s me! yo friendly neighbourhood James! We’re going to do things a little differently this update. It felt a bit weird that everyone on the BETA were getting the updates a week after I share it everywhere else on Social media. So starting this week, beta’s come first! If you’re on

April 26th, 2020 by James
Sprint 8 – Adventure Time!
Hello, it’s me again! James! You’re probably wondering what i’ve been working on the last two weeks. Well take my hand and we will delve into a world of imagination! But just before we dive in – here are the articles covering the journey so far! Right! up to date? let’s go! Login and Registration

March 29th, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Sprint 6 – That’s a Weird Looking Patronus
Ok… so I should preface this with a few caveats… I wasn’t expecting a global pandemic to completely change the way we have to work overnightI haven’t slept very well at all for the last 2 weeks leaving me only just enough brain power to do my day job properlyI definitely underestimated how much free

February 16th, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Sprint 4 – Now We’re Cooking With Gas!
Well well well, look who we have here! I’ve been thinking about you… yes you… don’t be coy!I want to tell you about my last two weeks, would that be ok? Great! Previously on my descent into madness: Last sprint I spoke to a bunch of members, got auto deployment working and got very ...

September 3rd, 2018 by TheBritishAreComing
Good Night SoSa
Hi, I know this would have come to you as a shock, i’m sorry for that this isn’t how I wanted SoSa to end. Let me explain When I started SoSa, I wanted to help the imgur community connect, it was a bit of fun and I thought after it launched it would only last

April 5th, 2018 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays | Golf With Your Friends Long Play Again!
Hey guys, After a pretty wild and hilarious Easter prank, we have decided to release another long play video from our Golf With Your Friends meetup. I repeat this is not a prank. Yet another Golf With Your Friends post you say? Well yes, after all we are all friends here are we not? Click

March 29th, 2018 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – OpenRA Red Alert Long Play Part 2
Hi friends and welcome to another SoSa gaming blog post. This week we are gracing you with the second long play part from our OpenRA Red Alert meetup. Over two hours of barely edited footage for you to enjoy. Click here to watch the video. The group seems to have really improved their building ...

March 22nd, 2018 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Teeworlds Long Play
Hi guys, and welcome to another week and another gaming blog. This week we are gracing you with the long play video of our Teeworlds meetup. Click here to watch the video. What is Teeworlds you ask? Teeworlds is an adorable little fast paced shooter arcade game where tee balls try to murder each other ...

March 8th, 2018 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Murder Long play
Ohh yeah, you have been waiting for this video. That is right, just before Christmas we played Murder, and it was one of our most fun meetups. Murder is one of the many mods that Garry’s Mod has to offer, and one of our favourites to play together. (Trouble in Terrorist Town being a very