Welcome SoSa members to another week of gaming and a brand-new gaming blog!
This time we are featuring the second part of our Rocket League meetup. You can click here to view the video.
If you have never played Rocket League before and you are curious about reading a little bit about it first, you can check out the first part of the meetup. We have included the post to the other blog, which also includes the video here.
For our first screenshot we have the boys lined up in blue, ready to kick some orange ass. They played against other people online, tune in to see if they won that round.

Loads of car crashes, flips and awesome shoots took place while playing Rocket League. This second screenshot comes from a hilarious part in the video where everyone has decided to stop trying and give up (and they manage to score this way and actually preform way better!)

Join us this coming Sunday and play some Tabletop Simulator with us. RSVP here to let us know that you’ll be joining us. We will be picking from a variety of different board games and have some videos of us playing Tabletop Simulator on YouTube already.
As always, we have included the names of the people who have joined in for your stalking pleasures: