Chat can be a bit fast sometimes right? and discussions a bit lacking.
Well, I have great news for you! We’ve updated the discussions area 🙂 The biggest revamp has been the design and it now has much more focus on discussions.
You can now comment to your hearts content (previous a limit of 3 levels), replies are much easier to follow and we’ve made it so you can view all the discussions going on or just a category.
It’s time to finally settle that age old debate. Is the dress gold? or is it blue?!.
With polls you can have unlimited voting options and an overall description.
I’d love to get your suggestions on what would make this feature more useful to you 🙂

Social Savanna
Last but not least, if you have any questions. A suggestion or just need some help. I’ve created a Social Savanna category where you can post 🙂
PS: I couldn’t find an appropriate picture and this one made me smile. I don’t think you’re all monkies. I promise.