April 19th, 2017 by James
This Week On SoSa
Alright guys! So, welcome to the first ever ‘This Week on SoSa’ blog, where I will publicly shame you for the mistakes/typos you have made over the last week. I will also include screenshots of funnies you made (as well as puns – no matter how much I hate them). This blog post will happen

April 10th, 2017 by James
You Can Now Login And Register Directly
Originally, Social Savanna was designed for the imgur only community. We quickly grew out of that and as we did almost every week someone would ask to be able to login to the site directly without needing Facebook / Twitter / etc. This sounds like a basic thing these days but as a young startup

March 3rd, 2017 by James
Watch: SoSa Plays Team Fortress Death Run
Check out our meetup from January, Team Fortress Death Run!

March 1st, 2017 by James
Happy 3rd Birthday!
Just a few days ago we hit our 3 year anniversary. For the last two, I’ve talked about how Social Savanna has affected me and my life and how the community has changed me, whilst that never stops being true, Social Savanna is about the community. It’s more than me. It’s about you. It’s amazing

January 31st, 2017 by James
Orangebolt222 – January Member Of The Month
It’s 2017 and that means we need a Member of the Month for January! We’re finally back on track with things so these will be happening every month! To start this year off, we’ve chosen to dedicate our Member of the Month award to… Orangebolt222, aka Jared! Jared is an active, kind member ...

January 1st, 2017 by James
Welcome To The Team Umbrena
Most of you should know her already, Umbrena is a staple of a healthy SoSa diet and we’ve decided to give her a job! Over the next few months, you will see Ena causing trouble on Twitter, Instragram and Youtube as she helps us to grow Social Savanna. ...

July 25th, 2016 by James
Two weeks of Sosa – July 25th 2016
It’s been a fun two weeks here on Social Savanna, we’ve had a bunch of newbies, we played SoSa hide and seek (You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1Qxm2dO6BE) and the mobile site is almost rebuilt! finally! This Sunday we’ll be playing Cards against humanity and possibly some other web based games, if you want ...

June 11th, 2016 by James
Two weeks of SoSa – Things You Might Have Missed
Every week, we’ll be posting a “Community Digest” like this to the blog so every know what’s going on, see discussions and blog articles they might have missed 🙂 Over the next few weeks, these will include great members, conversations we enjoyed, things inside the community and even meetups! A more personalized version of this