Hi all,
Ok, so it’s been just over a week and we’ve done a lot of work tuning the software and fixing the issues we’ve received from everyone.
So firstly, we have put the point limit to vote – even if you don’t have enough points to use the rest of the site, you can still vote! Just log in and hit “Vote on point limit”.
After Friday this area will be a place you can post your suggestions and have the community vote of what they would like to see on the site. This is your community, not ours – this is about you.
TL;DR: Sign in and visit https://socialsavanna.com/democracy/point-limit

Now we’ve added friends to profiles. 🙂

Public messaging is still being enhanced, but we’ve made it easier to read and added more rooms, and we now have about 14 mods across all of the rooms.

A lot of users asked for Tinychat – we’re working on it, but in the mean time, we’ve embedded any Tinychat links into the site. If you share one in chat, it’ll be embedded with your messages, etc.
We will also shortly be adding a room chooser.

Meetups are now working properly – we’re going to add an edit function this week, but you can add meetups and people can say they’re attending.


Matches are also working – though not for everyone. We’re working and perfecting the algorithm so, again, be patient with us here. 🙂

Profiles and loading time was a big issue – we were expecting 1000 to 2000 signups. We’re now at 25,000, so we’ve now made search default to your own city and country. There is still work to do in this area but it should be a lot more responsive and clean.

Maps are still currently limited, but are showing up to 2000 users. We’re still looking at making it viewable with 20k+ users 🙂 We’ll work something out.

Finally, I just want to say thank you to everyone for your support this last week, you’ve all been fantastic.
There are still issues that we are aware of, but if you’ve been using the platform this week you would have seen a lot of work go into the site, and a lot more coming:
* Â Â Â If you’ve changed your Imgur username, email me your old username and your new one to [email protected]. Imgur’s API is a little temperamental with this and I can make sure your data is refreshed.
* Â Â Â The public chat disconnections we have seen tend to be on lower-end systems. We are working on this so please bear with us.
* Â Â Â We are looking at more ways of integrating directly with Imgur, so people can easily flow between sites. We have a few ideas, but would love to hear from you if you have any ideas of your own.
I’ll send out a newsletter to all of our users shortly
James (TheBritishAreComing)