Alright guys!
So, welcome to the first ever ‘This Week on SoSa’ blog, where I will publicly shame you for the mistakes/typos you have made over the last week. I will also include screenshots of funnies you made (as well as puns – no matter how much I hate them). This blog post will happen every Tuesday, so stay tuned.
This week has been a little hectic with the introduction of dark chat, where we included a toggle for people to switch between dark chat/light chat. Funny chaos ensued when we had the battles of the new font colours.

Occasionally the mods like to troll members of the community:

Our puns for the week:

No one is safe from our screencaps, even me:

Sometimes we have cool moments when the community comes together for a sing along. We had a few this week.
The ladies got together to sing Chicago the musical, while the boys sang Green Day.

And finally, to conclude this week we will include a funny .gif made by our very own @Kisi

If you collect any funny screenshots, PM them to @umbrena and I will try my best to include them in the blog post.
Thank you, guys.
Stay awesome!