December 6th, 2020 by James
Sprint 23 – Sausage Smuggler
Hello hello! I’ve been thinking about you, I hope you’ve been thinking about me too! You can ignore the title, I couldn’t actually think of one and this jumped out at me as being the most appropriate. It’s been another great sprint with lots of changes and great progress! Because I get started I wanted

December 6th, 2020 by James
Alpha Release 1.1.1
I’d like to welcome Kira to the Alpha team!, I’m starting to add more people to Alpha to help smash out those bugs! If you’d like to get involved just let me know 🙂 As before, a lot of work has been done for this release during this sprint so i’ll share what the Alpha

November 10th, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Alpha Release 1.0.9
Here’s a video to check out the app and all these changes in real time 🙂 Uploads / Embeds – First version In chat, you can now upload an image and share it with chat, this works using amazon S3 and chat will now embed the image as well. The interface is a little ...

August 16th, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Sprint 16 – Warm Up
Well well well, look who it is! That’s right… it’s you! You beautiful bastard! How are you? Oh! you want me to tell you about SoSa? Well why didn’t you say so! You may remember my last update was a little melodramatic, well don’t worry I feel much better this sprint, I have managed to

March 15th, 2016 by James
A little more discussion.
Chat can be a bit fast sometimes right? and discussions a bit lacking. Well, I have great news for you! We’ve updated the discussions area 🙂 The biggest revamp has been the design and it now has much more focus on discussions. You can now comment to your hearts content (previous a limit of 3 levels),