December 23rd, 2020 by James
A SoSa Retrospective
Hello, is it me you’re looking for? I thought it’d be nice to take a step back this sprint and do a bit of a retrospective of the last year, see how far we’ve come help give me perspective for the new year! Before we start looking into how far SoSa has come this ...

August 2nd, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Sprint 15 – Wearing My Heart On My Sleeve
The funny thing about the startup world is that we only ever see the success stories, the plucky entrepreneurs that save the day by creating some world changing software, or that appear one day with an amazing, addictive game that everyone wants to play. It’s rare people talk about the failures, or struggles because it’s

November 25th, 2017 by TheBritishAreComing
SoSa: Now on iPhone and iPad!
After years of forging inside the depths of Mordor the iPhone app is finally here! As you know it’s past has been a troubled one, whilst we had an Android app in 2014 it’s taken years to bring the iPhone app to the table. TL;DR: App doesn’t have all the features but a lot There

November 23rd, 2017 by TheBritishAreComing
Happy Thanks Giving
Hello everyone, Being Thanks Giving and us being British we were going to post something silly today and as funny as that would have been I wanted to write something a bit more heart felt. It’s almost 4 years since SoSa was launched and with the support of our community we’re getting better every ...