March 15th, 2021 by TheBritishAreComing
Sprint 28 – a New Hope
Boy, do I have a story to tell. I started this sprint with best intentions, i thought “Hey James, why don’t we get a release out and build it using App Center” boy… was that a mistake! For those not in the know, app center is a platform run by Microsoft and it allows you

March 15th, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
This Is Not the Sprint You’re Looking For
This sprint hasn’t really been a sprint, more of a really long refinement and retrospective. When I came back from Prague, Corona was starting to get more media attention with speculation of a recession so I decided it was time to start looking for work. I spent some time getting my CV together and tying

November 6th, 2017 by TheBritishAreComing
Development Blog: Week 31
I’ve done my best this week to get as much of the iPhone app finished as possible, it’s very close i’m cleaning up and testing now. It’s got more features than I intended to release with including messaging, push notifications, discussions and will have basic profiles. Website / General Upgraded push notifications code to ...

October 21st, 2017 by TheBritishAreComing
Development Blog: Week 6 – 29
Evening everyone 🙂 This post is well over due, I got a little overwhelmed. I have a day job and that coupled with closing my business, picking up left over projects and a string of server emergencies meant working on SoSa has been very difficult. Things are back on track now and I thought it