Hi SoSa friends and welcome to the second part of our highlight footage from the Golf with your Friends meetup.
Click here to watch the video.
We have uploaded the first part to this video and if you have not seen the blog post or video yet, click here.
For this video in particular, we played the Haunted map and switched shapes every hole. We also made the ground super bouncy and turned gravity off, to everyones dismay. This is what happens when you let the devil, AKA umbrena host golf games. See below as a bunch of acorns attempt to make it to the hole. But first, they have to make it down some stairs. Find out which member scootches their golf ass down the course.

Watch as tiny cute little cubes make it down the course in a hyper-speed way. Tune in to the video to see many fails, laughs, and some actual good golf game play as SoSa members attempt to conquer the golf course and beat their friends with wonky settings enabled.

Golf has always been one of our go-to games, and we just want to take a minute and thank all the people who showed up to play it with us on Christmas Eve. You guys made things *awesome*!
Join us this weekend, on New Years eve, as we will be playing Team Fortress Prop Hunt. RSVP here to let us now you’re joining.
As always we leave you with the usernames of everyone who played with us in this video, for your stalking pleasures.