April 10th, 2015 by James
The Lonely Nipple (AKA Dedicated Game Service)
We’re launching our dedicated game service at the end of the month, which will be free to all pro-subscribers. Even if you’re not a subscriber, we’d still love to hear what multiplayer games you’d like to see. So far we have: * Minecraft (Vanilla and Modded) * Terraria * CS:GO *

March 4th, 2015 by James
Fixed: Profile Pictures, Lag, White Screen, and Auto-Fill
Hey everyone, Profile pictures should now be displayed properly – only in chat will they take up to an hour to refresh. A few people had problems with a white screen or lagging: both issues have been resolved. Please make sure you clear your cache, otherwise you might still have odd issues. 🙂 ~ James
March 3rd, 2015 by James
Please Report Social Savanna Bugs
Hey everyone, We’ve just done a large scale upgrade of the software and we want you to help us. If you find any issues or bugs, would you mind posting them and how to reproduce them – the more detail the better. As we make changed and update more areas of the site, this will
February 28th, 2015 by James
Social Savanna – One Year of Connecting Imgurians!
It’s been one year since we launched Social Savanna and we wanted to share how far it has come in just a year, with the support of the community. We have a few Imgurian testimonials, but we wanted to start with one of our own. In December 2013, I posted to see if you were serious
February 21st, 2015 by James
Quack, Quack to a Duck, and a Chicken, Too!
You can probably ignore the subject; it’s the lyrical mastery of Nicki Minaj… Testimonials In one week, we will be one year old, and we’d love to share your experiences with Imgurians 🙂 It’s fantastic how so many have found friends and even loved ones using the site, so please email in your testimonials to
February 14th, 2015 by James
Android App Updates!
Hey everyone! Testimonials In two weeks’ time we turn one year old! Dances. We want to share your experience with everyone, so if you have made friends, found love, or whatever, please send your testimonial to [email protected] There is a free pro subscription in it for any we use! Android App Updates Lots of ...

February 2nd, 2015 by James
Well, That’s Ummm… Certainly a Review!
This kind of says it all… http://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/www.socialsavanna.com#28
January 21st, 2015 by James
Bought by Ikea!
Okay, so the subject was a joke and terrible attempt at getting your attention. Have I mentioned how much I love your eyes? We just wanted to let you know that the site and mobile app are both undergoing a major revamp. We’re making the site and mobile app faster, easier to use, and adding

December 25th, 2014 by James
Don’t Be Alone on Christmas – Come Spend it With Imgurians!
We have seen quite a few posts today about people feeling lonely. If you are alone and need someone to talk to, or you’re fed up ...