March 2nd, 2023 by TheBritishAreComing
Let’s go!
Hello everyone, I thought it was time for a decent update! When we last spoke, I recognized that I needed some time to re-energize and I took some time in 2022 but it wasn’t quite enough and I made plans to take more time off as soon as I could. The original idea ...

July 2nd, 2022 by TheBritishAreComing
We Didn’t Choose This Life, We’re Just Living In It
Hmmm, how do I start this? Maybe, “To whom it may concern” no no that’s too formal, “Hello!” Does that work? No, you’re right it feels a bit excitable. “Hi” Yes, Hi! I like that. Now we’ve got the formalities out of the way, how are you? have you been well? Wouldn’t be cool ...

March 4th, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Sprint 5 – Robot Uprising
First things first! We’re in the Alpha stores! 🥳🥳 Exciting right? But what does that actually mean? So right now, the original Council team can install the app on their phones and break it to their heart’s content.

September 3rd, 2018 by TheBritishAreComing
Good Night SoSa
Hi, I know this would have come to you as a shock, i’m sorry for that this isn’t how I wanted SoSa to end. Let me explain When I started SoSa, I wanted to help the imgur community connect, it was a bit of fun and I thought after it launched it would only last

April 17th, 2017 by James
Watch: SoSa Plays: Red Alert (Longplay) Part 2
Part 2 of our Red Alert game (OpenRA)

March 31st, 2017 by James
Watch: SoSa Plays: Red Alert (Longplay) Part 1
Part 1 of out Red Alert game (OpenRA)

March 3rd, 2017 by James
Watch: SoSa Plays Team Fortress Death Run
Check out our meetup from January, Team Fortress Death Run!

February 13th, 2017 by James
Watch: SoSa plays Murder!
Highlights from our Garry’s Mod Murder meetup

July 31st, 2016 by James
Thilarim – July Member Of The Month
This month’s Member Spotlight goes to @Thilarim, aka Jelle, the best there ever was. Jelle is funny, kind, and always enjoyable to talk to. He brings life whenever he logs on with his tacklehugs, fish slapping, and endless musical references. Having only joined in May he has quickly become a well ...

July 25th, 2016 by James
Two weeks of Sosa – July 25th 2016
It’s been a fun two weeks here on Social Savanna, we’ve had a bunch of newbies, we played SoSa hide and seek (You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1Qxm2dO6BE) and the mobile site is almost rebuilt! finally! This Sunday we’ll be playing Cards against humanity and possibly some other web based games, if you want ...