It’s been just over 18 months since we launched Social Savanna, and since then many of you have seen us change significantly.
We started with a buggy, single chatroom site, and now I’m sure you’ll all agree we’re much more than that although we still have a long way to go.
Since moving away from our Imgur-only roots, we have secured funding and have been slowly developing behind the scenes, making the site a much better experience with more direction.
We have a list of changes we want to make as long as Stretch Armstrong’s arms.
This blog was built to keep you up to date with the platform’s progress, give you insight into the wider community, talk through our plans, and the technology we use (and why).
During October, we are aiming to deliver at least one major change a week, starting with this blog.
We are all so thankful you’ve stuck with us to this point, and we’re really looking forward to you joining us on this journey. Together, we’ll make Social Savanna into a social network that is shaped around you, that helps you meet new friends all over the world and bridge the gap between the real and virtual worlds.
James (TheBritishAreComing)