April 13th, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Sprint 7 – Corona Stole My Title
Thank you to everyone who sent me well wishes after my last update. Thankfully I feel much better now, I’m sleeping and the headaches have gone 🙂 which means I managed to get a fair amount done this sprint! 🥳 If you’re reading this, I’d love to hear from you! Let me know how you’re

March 8th, 2018 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Murder Long play
Ohh yeah, you have been waiting for this video. That is right, just before Christmas we played Murder, and it was one of our most fun meetups. Murder is one of the many mods that Garry’s Mod has to offer, and one of our favourites to play together. (Trouble in Terrorist Town being a very

November 16th, 2017 by Umbrena
SoSa Plays – Trouble in Terrorist Town
Hello again dear SoSarians, SoSaers, SoSapeoples? This week we are featuring the long play video of our Trouble in Terrorist Town video. This footage is from the first time we played this game mode on Garry’s Mod. Click here to watch the video! For those of you who have never played before, everyone is ...

February 13th, 2017 by James
Watch: SoSa plays Murder!
Highlights from our Garry’s Mod Murder meetup