February 13th, 2017 by James
Watch: SoSa plays Murder!
Highlights from our Garry’s Mod Murder meetup

May 28th, 2016 by James
We got through! Also Kickstarter and Games!
We did it! Last week, I asked you all to vote for us in the VOOM competition. Well guess what? We’re through! and now in just a few days, I get to pitch to Peter Kelly (MD of Virgin Media Business), Andy Fishburn (Head of Investment at Virgin), Julie Deane (Founder of the Cambridge ...

February 22nd, 2016 by James
CS:GO Server is live!
We’ve finished our basic testing of the CS:GO server. The server is free for everyone to use for a month or so whilst we tune things and get the service decent. You need to login to sosa and sync your IP, if you’re on IPV6 it might not work – we’re working on this 🙂

February 16th, 2016 by James
A few days of Minecraft :)
It’s a been a few days since we launched the Minecraft server. It’s very active so we’ll be setting up more games this week. Some screenshots of things in the world I like 🙂

February 13th, 2016 by James
Minecraft server live
We’ve finished our basic testing of the minecraft server and added a few server side mods. The server is free for everyone to use for a month or so whilst we tune things and get the service decent. You need to login to sosa and sync your IP https://socialsavanna.com/subscriptions/dedicated Once you’ve synced ...

January 26th, 2016 by James
Find us on Steam
So many members have asked for us to set up a Steam group and gaming events so you could connect even more outside of the Savanna. I’m pleased to announce we have! Here’s the link: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SocialSavannaOfficial That’s it really ~James