March 15th, 2021 by TheBritishAreComing
Sprint 28 – a New Hope
Boy, do I have a story to tell. I started this sprint with best intentions, i thought “Hey James, why don’t we get a release out and build it using App Center” boy… was that a mistake! For those not in the know, app center is a platform run by Microsoft and it allows you

November 23rd, 2020 by James
Sprint 22 – You Look Cute Today
Good morning boys, girls and amorphous blobs. How are you? You look cute today. I’m writing this at 4am, because apparently I can’t sleep, so bear with me. I think i’m considerably funnier than I am at the best of times – much less at 4am. This sprint has gone really well, I’m really pleased

October 12th, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Sprint 20 – Let’s get Nerdy
Hello fellow person or person/s Another two weeks have passed and work has still been kicking my ass, the good news is that we’ve managed to move our deadlines to something more manageable and get more resources in at short notice so now I get to work on SoSa in my free time again! I

April 26th, 2020 by James
Sprint 8 – Adventure Time!
Hello, it’s me again! James! You’re probably wondering what i’ve been working on the last two weeks. Well take my hand and we will delve into a world of imagination! But just before we dive in – here are the articles covering the journey so far! Right! up to date? let’s go! Login and Registration