December 23rd, 2020 by James
A SoSa Retrospective
Hello, is it me you’re looking for? I thought it’d be nice to take a step back this sprint and do a bit of a retrospective of the last year, see how far we’ve come help give me perspective for the new year! Before we start looking into how far SoSa has come this ...

May 7th, 2017 by James
Development Blog: Week 5
A bit more this week, I made some head way on the voice chat so expect more from that in the coming weeks Fixes Made chat scroll to bottom on refocus Adjusted scroll needed for it to lock Fixed issue with images over 2mb not uploading Investigated ...

April 30th, 2017 by James
Development Blog: Week 4
Another slow week, we’ve been working on another platform but will be restarting development on SoSa next week! Fixes Removed “Discussion count” from the menu so that Matt doesn’t get triggered Fixed responsiveness of Forgotten password screen for Android

April 23rd, 2017 by James
Development Blog: Week 3
Week 3 :), our UK meet was this week so didn’t have a great deal of free time outside of client work, mostly fixes. Fixes Uploading of profile pictures due to cross origin bug Can’t vote for polls on poll page Matt (TheSire) can’t access games because his subscription is unlimited like his love for