Hello dear SoSa friends and welcome to another gaming meetup video where we zoom around arenas in rocket cars!
You guessed it, this week we are featuring the first half of our Rocket League meetup video. And if you did not guess it, Rocket League is a fun game that combines some bad ass rocket powered type vehicles with soccer, hence the name. The goal is to maneuver the ball into the net, with two teams facing off, with a maximum of 4 cars per team. Chaos ensues when you combine Rocket League with SoSa members.
Click here to see the Rocket League video.
Check out this still of NotTheDroidYouAreLookingFor, as he scores a goal in the first game played. This game was a surprising amount of fun, even for noob players like James, and even he managed get engulfed by the game. Notice the rocket cars and the ball and net. *woow*

Here is a different arena, with TheBritishAreComing’s hot wheels abomination waiting to race to the ball in the middle of the map.

Join us this coming Sunday where we will be playing a free survival horror co-op game. RSVP here to join in on the fun. Sunday the 24th will be a special meetup as it will be on Christmas eve. If you can make it, send @umbrena a PM and we will figure out what games we should play as a community that day together.
As always click on the names below to check out who played with us this week: