Hi SoSa friends and welcome to another gaming blog post.
This week we are showing you the long play footage of our Insurgency meetup. We have previously shown you the highlights video and wrote a blog post about it which you can find here, which explains briefly the mechanics and how the game works. For those of you who do not want to click and read, it is basically another run-of-the-mill shooter and that is all you need to know.
Check out the footage from the long play here.
Watch as our members take an attempt at working together to achieve a common goal. (instead of the usual just shooting/murdering each other) Diving right back into the game, our members get shot at by the cops, even though they are military! Who would think the police would do such a horrible and unspeakable thing?!

Check us out as we learn the ins and outs of this game. In particular we have TheBritishAreComing who tires to come to terms with whether people are alive or not. Tune in for the insults, laughter, fun moments and some really cool kills.

Join us this coming Sunday, on Christmas Eve and play Golf with Your (Online) Friends with us. RSVP here, James will be in control of the different game modes so you don’t hate Ena for turning off gravity/bouncy ground.
Click on the names below to check out the profiles of the members who played Insurgency with us: