Good Thursday Imgurians,
These last two weeks, we’ve focused on the aesthetics and Imgur-integration of the site, trying to provide a cleaner, more Imgury experience.
Lots of changes, and if you experience any problems on the live site, make sure you refresh or clear your browser cache.
* Your profiles have all been changed to include
* Your online status
* Your Imgur Cake Day
* A link to your Imgur Profile
* Your Imgur Notoreity and any medals you’ve won for being awesome
* Your Imgur Gallery Favourites now take precedence near the top

We now update your profile daily, but if you want to manually update it (after a username change, for example), you can from the settings area of your account.
Mentions and Comments
Across the site, wherever there is a comment section, you can now @tag people. If they aren’t on Social Savanna, it’ll automatically message them on Imgur.

Across the site, if you make a mistake or want to change a comment, we’ve added the ability to delete comments. 🙂

Invite Imgurians
One thing we have added, that we hope you will all use, is the ability to invite Imgurians who aren’t already on the site but that you’ve messaged on Imgur in the past.

Aside from some design alterations, the most major changes to the site have been for meetups:
1) You can now share your meetup on Imgur, meaning that anyone from Imgur can join in.

2) There is usually a one-month limit for new Imgurians, but we have now removed that and added a restricted account.
If an Imgurian has an account on Imgur for less than a month, they can still:
* Create a profile
* Browse profiles
* Browse meetups
* Join and comment on meetups
* Message other users (but only if they’ve been messaged first)
* Vote in Q&A
* Vote on features
The rest of the site is limited, but we want to ensure that as many Imgurians as possible can get involved in meetups while also restricting the amount of spam accounts.
Private Messaging
We’ve added notifications (audio and a number in the top tab).
You can now also deleted your conversations using the button on the main messaging screen.
We’ve cleaned up a bunch of little issues and bugs. The main change is that you can now scroll with freedom (including on mobile) and you’ll only be put back down to the bottom of the page when you scroll to the bottom.

Suggestions + Mods + Testimonials
We listen to all of your feature suggestions and so far have implemented over 80 of them since launching in February. Please keep them coming!
We’re getting site-wide moderators sorted this week and have had a lot of interest already.
If you are interested, please send us an e-mail at [email protected]. We’re looking for people who will contribute more to the community and have less of the “ban-hammer” mentality.
We’ve received quite a few Testimonials, as well, but would like to know more from you guys. Have you met friends? Significant others? Has the site helped you out of a tight spot? Let us know all about the good stuff!