July 20th, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Alpha Release 1.0.5
This is a smaller release, I spent a lot of time refactoring and cleaning up the code to support some new features so not a huge amount of changes but still some! A lot of this was done during the previous sprint to make sure i had something to release this sprint. Character Restrictions Ok

July 5th, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Sprint 13 – I Need a Break
It’s not me, it’s you… just joking! OR AM I? At the start of the last sprint, I was starting to feel burnout on the horizon, so to keep momentum I did one big push the last two weeks and got two lots of “releases” ready, one for this update and one for the next.

July 5th, 2020 by TheBritishAreComing
Alpha Release 1.0.4
New Features Tagging Have you ever been in a chat room full of bots all creatively named and thought to yourself “How do I tag Bot10”? Well, if you’ve followed previous releases, you would know you could press their face. Or, even press them in the user list but sometimes – that’s a lot of