July 30th, 2015 by James
Logging In Problems
We are currently experiencing problems with logging in through Imgur. Please be patient whilst we resolve the matter 🙂
April 10th, 2015 by James
The Lonely Nipple (AKA Dedicated Game Service)
We’re launching our dedicated game service at the end of the month, which will be free to all pro-subscribers. Even if you’re not a subscriber, we’d still love to hear what multiplayer games you’d like to see. So far we have: * Minecraft (Vanilla and Modded) * Terraria * CS:GO *
March 3rd, 2015 by James
Please Report Social Savanna Bugs
Hey everyone, We’ve just done a large scale upgrade of the software and we want you to help us. If you find any issues or bugs, would you mind posting them and how to reproduce them – the more detail the better. As we make changed and update more areas of the site, this will